PRP/PRF/Exosomes in Washington, DC

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)

Description: Platelet-rich plasma is extracted from a patient’s blood, processed to concentrate the platelets, and injected into the body. This process provides the skin with growth factors that stimulate collagen production and cell turnover. PRP is also used as a complementary treatment to promote hair growth.

Usage: It can be applied topically or injected after procedures such as Moxi, Microneedling, and Morpheus8.

PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin)

Description: An advancement over PRP, PRF is derived from blood without using anticoagulants. It forms a gel-like substance that releases growth factors over a longer period, supporting longer-term collagen synthesis and repair.

Usage: It is best used by injection into areas that can benefit from volume restoration (under-eyes, deeper wrinkles).

Topical Exosomes

Description: These are microscopic vesicles harvested from stem cells containing a high concentration of regenerative molecules. In aesthetic medicine, topical exosomes act as catalysts to enhance cell-to-cell communication and boost natural healing processes.

Usage: This is best used topically after procedures such as Moxi, Microneedling, or Morpheus8.

Types of (prp) & (prf)


  • Application: Commonly used for facial rejuvenation, hair loss treatment, and improving skin texture and tone.
  • Efficacy: Effective in enhancing skin radiance and elasticity and promoting hair growth in alopecia cases.
  • Risks: Minor bruising, swelling at the injection site, and rare risks of infection. Results can vary based on individual healing responses.
  • Release Rate: PRP typically releases growth factors rapidly upon injection. Since PRP is a liquid, the release cannot be controlled or delayed.


  • Application: It is used as a filler for under-eye hollows and deep wrinkles to promote soft tissue healing. It is increasingly popular in combination with other rejuvenation procedures.
  • Efficacy: Offers sustained skin quality and structure improvement, often with more pronounced results than PRP.
  • Risks: Similar to PRP but can include minor pain and rare incidents of inflammation due to the natural slow release of growth factors.
  • Release Rate: PRF is more of a fibrin matrix gel that naturally incorporates platelets, leukocytes, cytokines, and stem cells. This fibrin network acts as a scaffold that retains the growth factors and other cells, allowing a slower, more sustained release of these elements. The release can extend over about one to two weeks, or sometimes longer, providing a prolonged biological effect that can enhance healing and regeneration over a more extended period than PRP.

Topical Exosomes

  • Application: It is primarily used in topical serums for facial rejuvenation, scar treatment, and enhancing the results of other aesthetic procedures.
  • Efficacy: Shows promising results in improving skin hydration, elasticity, and overall appearance with regular use.
  • Risks: Being relatively new, the long-term effects have yet to be fully discovered.
  • Release Rate: Their primary role is to enhance the treatment’s effectiveness by facilitating a better, faster healing and rejuvenation response rather than providing a sustained release of active substances over time.


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) derive from the patient’s blood but differ mainly in their preparation and the resulting texture. PRP is liquid and requires an anticoagulant during processing, whereas PRF forms a gel-like substance that clots naturally, containing more growth factors over a longer duration.
To enhance healing and results, PRP can be added topically to treatments like Moxi, Microneedling, or Morpheus8. It can also be injected into the skin during aesthetic procedures to promote tissue repair and stimulate collagen production, improving overall skin rejuvenation.
During a session, a small sample of your blood is collected, processed in a centrifuge, and extracted as PRP or PRF. The concentrate is applied topically to your skin or injected into the treatment area. The procedure generally takes about an hour, including preparation and treatment time.
Some patients may experience mild discomfort during the injection, similar to other injectable treatments like fillers. Before the procedure, you may apply a topical numbing cream to minimize discomfort, and topical applications of PRP are generally pain-free.
Results vary depending on the treatment area and individual healing responses. Generally, initial improvements may be seen within a few weeks, with more significant results appearing after several months as collagen regeneration progresses.
Individuals with blood disorders, active infections, certain skin diseases, or those on anticoagulation therapy may not be suitable candidates. During the consultation, it’s essential to disclose your complete medical history to determine whether these treatments are safe.

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